Wednesday, June 30, 2010

First Thoughts

Hello all!

I haven't updated this yet because I found out that my hostel does not have wifi, a bummer indeed. But McDonald's saved the day!

I suppose I should back-track and give you a run-down of what I have been doing. Scariest moment I've had so far is getting off the plane. I was utterly disoriented and confused because 1) I did not sleep a wink the entire red eye flight (Mom, I told you I should have taken a sedative!) 2) I can't understand French AT ALL. Learning that Sortie means "exit" was my greatest revelation. Once I actually figured out how to hail a cab, all was well.

I checked in at the Bastille Hostel around 10 am. It was packed with non-English speaking college-aged people. I was a little surprised because I thought there would be a stronger American population there. There are a lot of Asians, South Americans, Eastern Europeans, etc.

I am in love with the neighborhood that the Hostel is located. It's in the Bastille district, from what I hear is an up and coming hipster location. There are cafes and stores literally everywhere. Very cool.

The first night me and Andrew went out for Indian food. It was delicious. But by 9 I was nearly passing out, so I went back to the hostel and crashed like a brick. Best sleep I have ever had--on the worst bed I have ever had.

This is all very basic, and I'm missing a lot, but overall I'm having an amazing time. I'll end on my first impressions:
1) Parisians are indeed cold. However, on occasion I find an extra-friendly one who restores my confidence in all of them.
2)I found out that "breakfast" in Paris means a single baguette and a cup of tea/coffee. Thank god I packed FiberOne bars.
3) Dad, I hate to tell you this, but not ALL french food is good. I had the worst salad and steak I've probably ever had. It was cheap. I bet I could have gotten a better steak at Chiles. I think that French food is good, but you need to pay up for it.
4) The Mona Lisa was great, but I enjoyed watching people look at it more so than actually looking at it. It was a "manergerie"...french for zoo. No matter what country they come from, every tourist pushes to the front so they can film/get a picture of they really need to remember what it looks like? Buy a print. Google image it. HELLO.
5) The french are a million times more stylish than Americans. The sidewalk is like a runway for these people.
6) Smoking actually looks cool here. It's like the Marlboro-man effect, but with good-looking french people. I haven't caved though, so don't worry Mom and Dad.
7) The city is downright stunning. We've had beautiful weather every day...and the sun doesn't set until 10 pm. It's surreal.

I'm almost out of juice on my comp, so this is ending!

Kristina, I have not broken down and cried yet. YET.

Love you all! Pictures to come soon of places I've been/people I've met!


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