The final evening of the International Summer Evening in Vienna was insane. Here's the pre-party at Aux Giseles...
I tried to teach Juliet to speak with an American accent by repeating after me...why i chose "this is a table" as the sentence is beyond me. It makes me laugh though...
Then we headed over to MuseumQuartiers to take shots and get ready to go to the club. Tim of Kentucky organized a picture to submit to a school website...I think C is supposed to stand for Cats. The cool things is that there are 7 Countries represented: Canada, UK, USA, Bulgaria, Spain, Australia, and Ukraine.

After this, we went to Praterdome, the most bizarre/amusing club I've ever seen. Funniest part? Seeing Katie next to bronzed male go-go dancers, who literally wore glitter all over them...
Me and Andrew went on to stay in a hostel in Vienna for the rest of the weekend. It was fun. Some of the people Andrew met in Munich ended up staying there as well. We enjoyed happy hour at the bar. 5Euro pitchers of Ottakringer is always a good thing!
Jill from Australia (who was 18 traveling alone!!) convinced us to go out to this club FLEX. Before we left, Beth and I decided to try these shots called "Vodka Fizz"... enjoy our head-shaking fun:
Now we are in ROME! It's really spectacular. The hostel is really nice, and luckily we have AC. Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE food and therefore I am in heaven in Italy. I've had nothing but delicious Italian food. I have yet to try the pizza, but something tells me I still won't think it's as good as Paisan's Pizza in Chicago.
Today we explored the city...being typical tourists, along with the mass crowds of summer tourists in Rome. I could list the things we saw, but that is boring and you don't really care. My feet are aching and it's been a long day. Traveling with your brother has its ups and downs. We get along 80% of the time! Hopefully we'll make it through the rest of the trip without wanting to kill each other or ourselves :)
Only complaint: the subway system here. It only has 2 lines, it's disorganized, overcapacity, and smelly! When you are in a packed subway car with no AC and people don't always wear's hellish.
Anyways, one week left before I come home. We are heading to Florence on Wednesday, then Naples/Capri for the weekend.
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